The Third Symposium of Science Education Practical Science Ability and Teacher Training

The symposium Practical Ability of Science and Teacher Training, held on March 6th (Sat) at Takatsu Garden, attracted 138 participants with interest in science education, including students, university faculty members, elementary/middle/high school educators and members of the board of education. The building of practical science ability development program, which is our vigorous effort on the science experiment instruction of our elementary school teachers, was reported in the symposium.The symposium started with the outline presented by Mr. Yasuo Tohda, the head of Center for Science Education, followed by the greetings given by President Akio Nagao and the guest speaker Mr. Tsukasa Nakaoka, Policy Director at Science and Technology Policy Bureau, MEXT. The first part of the symposium had two keynote speeches in broad perspectives of science education. Mr. Yasushi Ogura, of National Institute for Educational Policy Research, presented on the current conditions and challenges in promoting science education, and Mr. Yasukazu Tanaka, of Osaka Prefectural Board of Education, presented on the current conditions and challenges of science education in Osaka.The second part had a panel discussion about practical science ability. Our professor Kunio Koshigiri, TA students, students who are signed up in this program, and Mr. Koshiro Nishibata, who has supported this program, presented on our university’s engagement in improving elementary school teachers’ science ability. Then, based on the current educational conditions, the panelists and participants made various suggestions in lively discussions regarding the vitalization of science education in schools, mainly at the elementary level.This was a meaningful occasion, considering the collective effort to further promote Osaka’s science education with related parties, as the participants were reaffirmed with the role of our university through this symposium.
